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  • Writer's pictureArun Kumar

Implementing Wix RealTime API

Wix realtime API allows you to setup communication between front-end and back-end events. Let's take you would like to display a notification box on front-end when a new record is inserted into a wix collection.

Note: the realtime API does not work in editor mode

Subscribe to backend notifications

On your front-end page, create a notification box with text inside and hide it by default. Put below code on the page where you would like to receive backend notification.

First import the wix-realtime API on front-end

import * as realtime from "wix-realtime";

Subscribe to the backend notifications (this is the channel name) inside onReady function. When a users visit the page, they are subscribed to notification channel and if there is any backend notification comes, below code will call newRecord function

	realtime.subscribe({ name: 'notification' }, newRecord);

Write newRecord function and capture the payload (message) coming from backend. You can then display this message in a text box for 4 seconds

async function newRecord({ payload }) {

		$w('#txtMessage').text = payload.message;
	}, 4000);    // 4 seconds


The final code should look something like this

import * as realtime from "wix-realtime";

$w.onReady(function () {

	realtime.subscribe({name: 'notification'}, newRecord);


async function newRecord({ payload }) {
//the {} converts payload jSON string to an object

		$w('#txtMessage').text = payload.message;
	}, 4000);    // 4 seconds
	//log the entire payload item to console


Publish messages to frontend

Let's take you would like to send notifications to users after a new record is inserted into property collection. Add an afterUpdate hook on property collection and open data.js

import { publish } from 'wix-realtime-backend';

export async function property_afterUpdate(item, context) {
 { name: "testPublish" }, 
 { response: `Record Saved`, recordId: `${item._id}` },                         
   //entire thing is sent as payload to FE
 { includePublisher: true }

  return item;


In case you would like to send entire inserted record to the frontend

import { publish } from 'wix-realtime-backend';

export async function property_afterUpdate(item, context) {
 { name: "testPublish" }, 
 { item },               //entire row is sent as payload to FE
 { includePublisher: true }

 return item;


That's it! you can adapt the above code to push notifications from backend. The biggest benefit is that users do not have to refresh their webpage to receive backend notifications.

Some ideas to adapt above code:

  • Refresh a repeater on front-end

  • Refresh dataset on front-end

  • Show progress on front-end with progress bar tied to notifications

  • Update elements on screen once backend notification comes

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